Economic and Law

Modern theories of the international division of labor

Keywords: international division of labor, MRI 1) The theory of interdependence Are based on the determination of the factors affecting the interdependence of nations. a) K. Nuvenhuze. There are two interdependent factors (limited and exhaustible natural resources, the possibility ...

Types and forms of the international division of labor

Historically and logically distinguish 3 types of MRI: 1. Total MRI - in the spheres of production and sectors of the economy: industry specialization. Hence the division of the exporting countries to industrial, raw, agricultural, etc.   2. Private MRI - specializing in certain type ...

The basic theory of the international division of labor

Because MRI is playing an increasing role in the process of expanded reproduction in the world, providing the relationship of these processes, this leads to the fact that in the sectoral and territorial aspects of the country formed the relevant international proportions. As the division of l ...

The essence of the international division of labor

One of the basic categories that express the essence and content of international economic relations, is the international division of labor (MRI). All countries of the world one way or another are included in the MRI, it is dictated by the deepening development of the productive forces, which ha ...

Prospects for the development of the world economy

In 2009, world production fell by 1.5%, while the volume of trade - by 9%. In 2010, according to consulting firm Economist Intelligence Unit, global GDP is expected to grow by 3.2%, trade - by 3.7%. Of course, this increase is due to the major programs of state stimulation of the private sector, ...

The main trends in the global economy

In its formation and development of the world economy (MX) has come a long and difficult way. Some researchers its origin dates back to the time of the Roman Empire, which is the system of the world economy at the time. Other scientists count for the world economy are from the time of the gre ...

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