Economic and Law

Normativistskaya Theory of Law

Normativism legal doctrine has its roots in the formal dogmatic jurisprudence of the XIX century. and was based on the methodology developed in legal positivism. Prof. VA Mists believes that the methodological principles of positivism, this theory has brought to the extreme, and therefore called ...

Psychological Theory of Law

This theory was created in the beginning of XX century. Russian scientist Lev Iosifovich Petrazhitsky (1867-1931 gg.). Most fully set out in his work "The Theory of Law and State in connection with the theory of morality." Among the followers of this theory can be called A. Ross (Scandi ...

Sociological School of Law

Sociological jurisprudence began to take shape at the end of the XIX century., When sociology became an independent branch of knowledge. Sociological theory of law evolved in two ways: on the one hand, through the formation of legal concepts within the framework of general sociology, and the othe ...

Historical School of Law

Friedrich Carl von Savigny in his "System of Modern Roman Law" (1840) wrote: "In the jurisprudence every success depends on the interaction of various types of spiritual activities. In order to select one of these species and determine the corresponding direction in Law I and other ...

The natural law theory

Natural law is a special system of legal rules: it is a set of social and legal claims of society, facing the state and based on the idea of the existence of human natural, inalienable rights, due to its very human nature, such as the right to life, freedom, equality, the right to happiness, to f ...

Irrigation theory of the origin of the state

The most prominent representative of irrigation (hydraulic) theory of the origin of the state is the modern German scientist E. Wittfogel. It links the process of the emergence of statehood with the need to construct irrigation facilities in the eastern agrarian societies. It is accompanied b ...

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