The modern international economy - a complex system of national economies in their unity and cooperation based on mobile factors of production and the formation of transnational systems and advanced forms of coordination of international economic life. From this definition, it follows that the structure of the international economy is very complex. Consider its main elements.
First, a set of national economic systems. All countries rather can be divided into three main groups. Developed countries generally are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, among which the leading role played by the Group of Seven countries and the countries of the periphery of the world economy (developing countries), which includes the leaders of the (Taiwan, Malaysia, Chile, Mexico and other newly industrialized country) and "outsiders" - the poorest countries (Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Angola, the majority of the countries of Central Africa), as well as the country's average level of development (Iran, Morocco, Ecuador), countries with economies in transition (the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe and the countries of on the territory of the USSR), the emerging market economies.
The economy of the first group is different, as a rule, a high level of development of productive forces, the rational structure of the economy, the typical for the post-industrial development, the steady but low economic growth, lack of excessive levels of inflation and unemployment, high living standards, social stability, balance and effectiveness of international economic ties.
These characteristics are not generally applicable to developing countries experiencing difficulty multistructure due to the nature of the economy, financial instability, inflation, unemployment and structural imbalances, political and social conflicts, the lowest level of the majority of the population, inefficient forms of participation in international economic relations.
Much of these characteristics in developing countries is also applicable to countries with economies in transition, besides experiencing difficulties due to the change of development models. At the same time, the post-socialist countries on a number of parameters are close to developed nations - the level of development of industry, science, culture, education of citizens, etc.
Second, the international economy is characterized by multiple forms of economic ties. As a rule, the following main types of relations: international trade in goods and services, international capital movements (export-import of capital), international migration, international scientific and technical cooperation, international monetary and financial relations, the integration of the relationship.
Thirdly, the international economy is showing the formation of such a specific link as transnational corporations (TNCs). TNK - this is a large national or multinational corporations with an extensive network of branches abroad. This powerful production systems on the scale of activity is often comparable to the size of economies of small states. In fact, this is largely a supra-national education system with its own interests, with their policies, often at variance with the interests of both countries of origin and the home country.
Fourthly, it is all possible forms of inter-state coordination, in particular, international economic institutions (IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization), as well as regional integration associations of countries (EU, NAFTA,