Essence, features, properties, political and state power

The power can be divided as the political and non-political. Political power is the one that is able to perform a means of solving political problems, that is, means of implementation, to protect the interests of large social groups.

Varieties of political power is the power of one social group (community) over another (for example, the domination of one class over the other), the state power, the power of the party and other political organizations and movements, the power of political leaders. Although there is a view (Prof. Baytin) that the power of the state and political power - are one and the same phenomenon. However, such a position is hardly justified.

Power within a particular social community (society, group, organization, etc.) depending on the mode of organization and ruling can be democratic or non-democratic. And this applies not only to the division of political power, but also all other management-related groups, as democracy can be non-political.

Political power in society (and first of all it concerns the government) may be legal (lawful) and shadow (hidden, invisible, illegal). Bearers of the latter may be informal groups within the ruling elite, political sects, mafia organizations, etc. One should not confuse the "legal authority" and "legitimate authority." These concepts although they are close but not identical. Legality characterizes legitimacy of the existence of power from a formal legal perspective, without its ethical evaluation, means recognizing the legitimacy of public authorities, taking it as a fair and politically justifiable phenomenon. And it may even be so that the state is legal, but not legitimate. A large contribution to the theory of the legitimacy of political rule (the authorities) made famous German political economist and sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920 gg.).

Among the varieties of non-political government can allocate the power of the family (parental authority, the power relations between spouses) as the most important, and having a long history.

From the point of view of genetic conditions, depending on events in the development of the state power is prior to the state. It is society's need (at a certain stage of its development) in power with such properties that are inherent in the government, and led to the emergence of the state.

The state acts as a carrier of the government, as the force at which this power is based, so it should be constructed in such a way as to be able to produce power with special properties (attributes), that is, that power, and that is usually called the state.

Talking about the features of state power, its special qualities, attributes, it should be borne in mind two things: first, a close, we can say inseparable, relationship with the state government, and secondly, the fact that the state and the state - all -the same phenomena are different, not identical. It follows that, on the one hand, the features and state government linked closely interwoven, and the other - they do not coincide, and approaches to their characteristics will be different.

The special properties of the government include the following:

1. For state power by force, by which it is based, is the state: no other authority such means does not have.

2. State officials publicly. In a broad sense, the public, that is, the public is all power. However, the theory of the state in this characterization traditionally invested other than the specific meaning, namely that the state is a professional unit, separated (alienated) from the society as an object of power.

3. State power is sovereign, which means that its independence and the rule outside the country. The supremacy of the government in the first place is that it is above all the power of other organizations and communities of the country, they must submit to the authority of the state.

4. State power is universal: it extends its power to the entire territory and to the entire population of the country.

5. State power has the prerogative, that is, the exclusive right to issue mandatory rules of behavior - legal norms.

6. In time, the state power is permanent and

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