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The best remedy that can provide the necessary stability of the constitutional provisions, it is considered a more complex procedure...
The rules of constitutional law, as well as other legal rules - is universally binding rules established mainly by normative...
One of the most democratic way to the adoption of a constitution is its specially chosen for this purpose by...
On the question of the meaning of the constitution for the country, there are different views. During the struggle against...
The new constitution is usually taken when a new state, the change of political regimes (especially as a result of...
In modern conditions, some of the basics of the legal status of the individual, and in certain aspects, and the...
In the constitutional law of foreign countries used the two terms: citizenship and nationality. The first describes a person belonging to...
There are two main ways of acquiring citizenship: by birth - filiation (from the Latin word "Filius" - son) and...
The name of the constitutional right to receive from the special legal document - the constitution, which officially (Germany) or...
Legal constitution can be a single document (it is consolidated or codified, Constitution). Such is the vast majority of the...