Theological theory of the origin of the state has spread in the Middle Ages. It is usually considered to be the founder of St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274), whose works have become a kind of encyclopedia of Church ideology of the time. In the 1879 encyclical of Pope Leo XIII's teaching of Thomas Aquinas (Thomism) was declared the most appropriate to the spirit and objectives of Catholicism.
In modern conditions, have developed a theory of theological ideology of the Islamic religion, the Catholic Church (J. Maritain), representatives of the neo-Thomism (J. Daben, J. Messner, etc.).
The encyclical, the Pope's message to all the Catholics or the Catholic clergy.
According to the representatives of this doctrine, the state - the product of the divine will, by virtue of which the state power was unchallengeable, dependent mainly on religious organizations and leaders. Hence, one is bound to obey the sovereign in all things. The existing socio-economic and legal inequality of men ordained the same divine will, with nothing to reconcile and not to resist a follower of God's power on earth. Consequently, the disobedience of the government can be regarded as disobedience God.
Giving the state and the sovereign (as representatives and exponents of the divine commandments) aura of sanctity, the ideologues of the theological theory raised and raise their profile, and helped contribute to the establishment in order society, harmony and spirituality. Particular attention is paid to "middlemen" between God and the government - the church and religious organizations.
However, the doctrine detracts from the impact of socio-economic and other material and spiritual relationship to the state and to determine how to improve the shape of the state, such as improving the state system. Besides theological theory basically provable because built primarily on