International law and the legal status of the individual

In modern conditions, some of the basics of the legal status of the individual, and in certain aspects, and the citizen (for example, on the electoral law) is largely determined by international law, its principles and norms.

The constitutions of many states makes reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, the International Covenants on Human Rights, 1966 (entered into force in 1976).

International instruments ratified by the State, and may act directly applied by the courts of the country in which its internal law, some constitutions establish the primacy of (the rule of) international law over domestic (besides ratified by the State acts that provision applies to the generally recognized principles of international law).

The rules of international law on the rights of people can act through domestic law and if they implement (included) into the legislation of the country (in some cases, international law provides for the Implementation of such states to sign and ratify the relevant international instruments.)

International law states:

1) domestic law can be contrary to the international instruments recorded in the basic human rights and universal values;

2) there is no absolute freedom and absolute rights, and they may be limited, but only on the basis of the law and to the extent to which this is allowed by the Constitution in accordance with the requirements of international law and a well-defined purpose (preservation of public order, public morality, public health etc.);

3) prohibits the abuse of rights, ie Use them with the aim of harming the rights and legitimate interests of other persons or entities;

4) The rights of the individual are limited to the rights of others

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