Economic and Law

Sources of constitutional law in foreign countries

The sources of constitutional law in foreign countries are regulations that provide rules governing constitutional and legal relations. The main source of this branch of law in most countries (with the exception of some Muslim countries) is the constitution - the fundamental law. Other sources in ...

The subjects of constitutional and legal relations in foreign countries

As a result of the legal facts on the basis of operation of the rules of constitutional law between the different parties arise constitutional and legal relations. Their members are called subjects of constitutional law. In constitutional law is not being used to divide the subjects of natural an ...

Institutions of constitutional law in foreign countries

The rules of constitutional law, as well as other areas of law, on the one hand, the objective, and the other - by the will of scientists systematists together in separate groups. For example, one group of rules related to citizenship (the acquisition of citizenship, loss of citizenship, citizens ...

Features of the rules of constitutional law

The rules of constitutional law, as well as other legal rules - is universally binding rules established mainly by normative legal acts (laws, decrees, etc.) and provided by state coercion. Only in relatively rare cases, such rules are created differently - through judicial precedent, constit ...

Place of constitutional law in the law of foreign countries

All major areas of social life and their foundations in the complex are regulated only by constitutional law. The other branch of law concerned only the individual parties or though the principal, but some issues (eg property in civil law, the protection of nature in environmental law). By ad ...

Controlled system of constitutional law in foreign countries

The name of the constitutional right to receive from the special legal document - the constitution, which officially (Germany) or informally (Bulgaria), commonly referred to as the basic law. However, the constitutional right not to be reduced to the constitution, and includes a number of legal a ...

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