Diversity of ownership

Property relations are fixed specific legal form. In any society, legally fixed system of ownership. Throughout history, there were many forms of ownership. World experience shows that the modern market economy is based on diversity of ownership.

In the economic literature there is no uniform approach to the determination of ownership.

There is a classification of subjects on the basis of the property when the owners are individuals, groups, families, government, etc. In accordance with this feature you can talk about the party, trade union, bank property owned by public organizations, etc.

The shape of the assignment is isolated individual, collective and state property.

On the composition of the subjects or the degree of socialization of ownership can be distinguished individual, group and community.

Relationships involve the separation of private property owners who, irrespective of other people exercise their rights. Private property is personified, that is known for its owner and the responsibility for its use concrete. Private property is a personal property and capitalist private property.

A distinctive feature of individual ownership (private property and labor) is that the owner of the independently exercise the rights of ownership, disposal, use and appropriation. It follows the pursuit of private owners in the most rational conduct their farms, high efficiency of private property. Social media this form of ownership - farmers, artisans, private doctors, lawyers and other people who live by their labor.

In the case of capitalist private property, fundamental rights are still being implemented by the owner, but some powers are concentrated in the hands of other people. This type of property disposes of an employee of the means of production and creates conditions enriching host-owners at the expense of the labor of the latter. Here is inevitable divergence of economic interests of owners and workers.

On the basis of private property are formed such forms of business, as private farming, farm labor, private enterprises of all sizes - from individual production to large enterprises, as well as any other use of private property (from renting apartments to rent money transactions between individuals).

Collective ownership is based on a combination of individual property owners. In the Russian collective property consists of various types of farm property (property of consumer cooperatives, collective farms, etc.), as well as shareholder and partner property

Cooperative ownership - a collective form of ownership, keeping alive an individual. Each member of the cooperative is involved in it's own labor and property, has equal rights in the management and distribution of income. The value of income earned is determined by the contribution of the individual shareholder. Cooperative ownership in a market economy has a significant potential, which is caused by coupling pay with the final results of the cooperative.

Variety of collective ownership - stock ownership, which combines features of both private and public property. Stock ownership - ownership of many businesses and individuals, which implies a voluntary association of their funds. Based on the funds generated by the combined joint venture is the collective creation of income, followed by its individual appropriation in the form of dividends.

Affiliate ownership is the result of combining capital two or more persons. The shareholders of the company - created by the co-owners of shares of the property receiving the share of the profits corresponding to the size of their property. On the basis of collective ownership are formed such forms of business, as cooperatives, collective enterprises, leasing companies, partnerships, joint stock companies, associations, etc.

The relationship of social ownership suggest that different persons are jointly implementing the rights of the owner. Public ownership is based on joint ownership, use and disposal. Public ownership of impersonal, as property rights belong to everyone, and more specifically - to anyone. Public ownership has the highest degree of socialization, it is represented, above all, public property, and the property of non-governmental organizations.

State ownership is concentrating ownership in the institutions of power. High steward of ownership - state, and run it designated leader. The right of joint management of state property is realized through a system of self civil society.

The citizens of the state, disposing of national wealth are entitled to a portion of the income from the operation of state property. This income is expressed in equal opportunities for all social security system. Free and equal access to the state (public) funds consumption is required for the functioning of the whole people on the content and the form of state ownership.

Public property type represented the state property at different levels: federal, federal and municipal.

The basis for the functioning of trade unions, labor groups, and so is public property. Property of public organizations suggests that it and dispose of it assign the members of these associations on equal footing. On the basis of public ownership are formed state and municipal enterprises.

As already mentioned, the modern economy is characterized by a multiplicity of forms and types of property. Widespread mixed ownership, when combined within individual features of different forms of ownership. For example, the private-public ownership

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