Legal aspects of property relations

The basis for making rational economic decisions in a modern market economy are subjects of property rights, precisely defining a set of proprietary rights. It is this set of powers (or specification of property rights) is the most important condition for the effective functioning of the economy because it reduces the uncertainty of the economic environment, and provides businesses a stable waiting for the results of their actions in relation to other economic agents.

Legal law is intended, first, to protect the legal interests of the owner, and secondly, to determine the conditions required for all reconciling the interests of all stakeholders involved in property relations, and thirdly, in the framework of basic legal principles to make changes in legal norms that contribute to the proper functioning the economy at all levels.

Legal ownership is determined in the traditional Roman law terms: possession, use and disposal. System of mandatory common to all the rules of conduct governing relations in the society regarding the possession, use and disposal of property and property rights, and establishes a state law draws.

Possession - is based on the law, that is, legally secured and guaranteed the opportunity to have one or the other property at the farm and limit the access of other persons to him.

Use - based on the law, that is, legally secured and guaranteed by the use of the property by the extraction of mineral contained in it, ie a ability to carry out the consumption of the property. Enumerated powers of possession and use are closely related to the content of the right of ownership, as the use of the property is only possible if the actual possession of it.

Disposal - is based on the law, that is, legally secured and guaranteed opportunity to determine the fate of the property, expressed in four ways: 1) by changing the ownership of the property, and 2) by changing the condition of the property, and 3) by changing the purpose of the property, and 4) through the transfer of property in trust to another person. According to the well-known expression, the order of the "crown" of property rights.

By itself, this triad is not sufficient to characterize the content of property rights: the nature and legal aspects of property rights are not on the list, but in the very nature of these powers.

The ownership of all types of property rights is comprehensive, allowing fully fulfill consisting in its degree of economic domination of the person over a thing. Legal rules of property relations approach to the object only as to the property, fixing it up static from natural and legal persons, the legal framework defining ownership of the property and ensuring its sovereignty.

The right to legally regulate the movement of property, its traffic, and - shift or redistribution of property rights. The right does not reflect the dynamics of wealth and the mechanism of its growth. The latter is a function of economics.

The right not to provide answers to questions about how, due to which wealth grows, on the basis of what principles shared by the society of goods and services, why is there such a huge difference in income and wealth between the different social strata of society. Answers to these and similar questions is designed to give

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