Economic and Law

Theories of international migration of capital

The causes of international capital flows are treated by different economic schools in different ways and evolve with the development of both the global economy and economics. The question why the export and import of capital, focused primarily on the traditional theory. Under them usually me ...

The role and importance of international corporations

International corporations have become key actors in today's global economy, playing a role that is difficult to overestimate the system of international economic relations. For leading industrial countries is foreign operation TNC determines the nature of their international relations. S ...

Types of international corporations

In the 70 years of the 20th century emerged and has since been actively discussed the phenomenon of corporations, international by nature of its activity, which is directly connected with the extensive development of direct foreign investment. On the international corporations that are typically ...

The nature and causes of international corporations

Increase in the last decade, the scale of direct investment has led to the emergence and rapid development of multinational corporations - large companies that invest and have branches and subsidiaries in many countries around the world. International corporations are of two kinds: a) Tra ...

The concept and factors of the investment climate

Investment climate - is the environment in which the investment processes occur. It is formed under the influence of an interconnected set of legislative and regulatory, organizational, economic, social, political and other factors that determine the conditions of investment activity in certain c ...

The reasons for the import and export of capital

The international movement of capital, its active migration between countries is an important part and a form of modern international economic relations. The movement of capital is very different from the movement of goods. Foreign trade is usually limited to the exchange of commodities as us ...

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