Economic and Law

Concept and types of money

As noted by Edwin G. Dolan, Colin K. Campbell: "Money - it is a means of payment for goods and services, a means of measuring the value, as well as a store of value." OI Lavrushin deeper approach to the definition of money: "Money - economic category, which are shown and which ...

The nature and functions of money

Money serves as a necessary element of an active and integral part of the economic activity of the society, the relationship between the various actors and the links of the reproductive process. The essence of money is characterized by their participation in: • implementation of the ...

The history of the origin of money and their evolution

Money - it's one of the greatest inventions of the human mind. In wildlife analogies to be found. Even the most primitive civilization in the most remote corners of the world have created their own forms of money. The role of money, the standard of all communications that always falls to ...

The neoclassical theory of value

In explaining the value (cost) and prices only utility eminent British economist Alfred Marshall, who developed the principles of the theory of the neoclassical synthesis, and saw the one-sidedness. From his point of view, arguing that the cost of regulated utility or cost of production is equiva ...

The theory of marginal utility

The theory of marginal utility marginalist theory, subjective-idealistic - all these names are one and the same economic concept. For your information. The term "margin" - of French origin, was difficult to translate the Russian language. Approved the transfer of the word "limi ...

Law of the cost of goods

The price of goods on the market determine the socially necessary labor to produce it. In practice, under the influence of the price competition of supply and demand may be higher or lower value. If the goods were produced more consumer demand, the prices for these products on the market fall ...

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