Economic and Law

Need, economic interest, kinds of needs

The motive organization of social production are the needs of people. In the economic literature, there are several interpretations of the requirements. The most common approach is the following: the human need - a state of dissatisfaction, or needs, which it seeks to overcome. There are other po ...

The objective conditions for economic development

Any economic system is dynamic and takes place in different stages of their development. However, the ultimate purpose of the operation of any economic system is to meet the needs of society and individuals. It is aimed at the production process, is inextricably linked to the consumption of goods ...

The concept, features and types of economic laws

The laws of nature express stable, recurring (occurring in it) or the phenomena and processes of communication between them. As long as these laws remain unexplored, people consider them in their behavior empirically, unconsciously adapt to them. In society, as in nature, many of the phenomena an ...

Methods of Economic Theory

The method is a set of specific methods, techniques and principles, which are determined by the way the task. The system of methods used in economics, distinguished general (philosophical, ideological), the general scientific and private methods. In economic theory, there are two opposing ...

The subject and the function of the economic theory

The subject of economics as a science in the modern sense did not immediately determined and was the result of a long historical development. In the course of the development of economics as a science, and changed her views on the subject, and here with a certain degree of conditionality can be d ...

Stages of development of economic theory

Economic theory is one of the oldest sciences, attracted the attention of scholars and educated people. Thus, even primitive man possessed the basics of economic knowledge, had definite ideas about running the household, the relationship developing between members of the community in the process ...

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