Economic and Law

Impact of international capital flows to countries

Playing a catalytic role in the development of the world economy, the international movement of capital causes different effects on exporters and importers of capital. The consequences for countries that export capital are as follows: - Export of capital abroad without adequate foreign in ...

The effects of international migration of capital

International migration of capital - the movement of capital between countries, including exports and imports of capital and its operation abroad. Movement of capital is an objective economic process when capital leaves the economy of one country in order to obtain a higher income in another coun ...

The forms of capital outflow

The mechanism of extraction of surplus value on an international scale is given concrete expression in different forms of capital export. The export of capital is either in the form of loan capital export, either in the form of a functioning export (industrial) capital. When exporting cap ...

Classification of forms of cross-country movement of capital

By its nature and forms of foreign investments may be different. Thus, according to the sources of origin is usually followed by their division: (1) State and (2) private capital. Public investment in international practice is also called the official, they are funds from the state bu ...

Forms of international capital movements

The international movement of capital as a factor of production takes a variety of specific forms. By source of origin of the capital, in motion on the world market is divided into official and private. • The official (state) capital - funds from the state budget, moved abroad or rec ...

The reasons for the international movement (migration) of capital

The international movement of capital, its active migration between countries is an important part and a form of modern international economic relations. Capital exports broke the monopoly of the export of goods in an era of in-depth development of the world economy. Complementing and mediate ...

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