Market entities

In the present conditions of the self-regulating market system was transformed into a regulated, leading to a complication subject structure of the market economy.

Subjective structure of the market economy - a system of relationships among multiple actors expressing their goals, equal and opposite consistent economic interests, the nature, forms of organization and interaction about the movement of goods and services.

The subjects of the market economy are entrepreneurs, workers who sell their labor, end users, owners of the loan capital, the owners of the securities, traders, etc. The main actors of the market economy can be subdivided into four groups: households, businesses (firms), banks and the state (government).

Household - it is an economic unit, which operates in the consumer economy, may consist of one or more persons. It provides the production and reproduction of human capital, makes independent decisions, is the owner and supplier of a factor of production in a market economy, seeks to maximize the satisfaction of personal needs (and not to increase profitability).

Enterprise (company) - an economic unit, which operates for profit (profit) seeks to maximize revenue, takes decisions independently, using the factors of production for the manufacture of products with a view to its sale. It involves investing their own or borrowed capital, which entails the risk and responsibility. The resulting profit enterprise (company) spends not just for personal consumption, and for the expansion of production.

Bank - financial institution that regulates the movement of money necessary for the normal functioning of the economy.

The state (government) - is represented by various government agencies engaged in legal and political authority to ensure, if necessary, control over economic actors of the market and to achieve social goals. Budget organizations that represent the state, do not aim to make a profit, and realize the functions of state regulation of the economy.

From government organizations, enterprises (firms), households and banks should be distinguished economic institutions. The latter refers to a set of rules that structure social relations in a special way, the knowledge of which must be shared by all members of society, because they have a direct impact on the organization and the economic behavior of people.

Institutions and organizations have significant differences. While institutions are a set of rules and laws that govern the interaction of individuals, organizations are corporate actors, which can themselves be objects of institutional constraints.

Organizations have an internal structure, the institutional framework, establishing the interaction of individuals that make up the organization. Some collective associations can be, both within institutions and organizations. For example, a firm government bureaucracy

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Global economy

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