Economic and Law

Legal category as a means of legal knowledge

In science often use words such as "term" and "category". If the term refers to a word or phrase that accurately indicates the specific concept, then under the category - the most common, is extremely broad, fundamental, which generalizes the notion of fixing the most esse ...

The system of the theory of state and law

The teaching methods of themselves, their classification and effective application, the theoretical justification of the methods used in the science of cognition of reality is called methodology. The term "methodology" is composed of two Greek words: "method" (the path to anyt ...

The objectives and functions of the theory of state and law

Considering the concept of the basic functions of the state and demands an answer to the question of how they interact with its objects and principles of action. The objectives and functions of the state - the phenomena correlated closely related but not identical. They can neither oppose nor ...

The structure theory of law

Theory of law - it is a single science, which gives a general idea of the state and legal validity. Current science structure consists of two major blocks (elements): • theory of the state; • theory of law. However, there are some common issues that are important to both ...

The subject of Theory of State and Law

Every science has its object of study. No subject is replaced chal  Hegel, there can be no science itself. Subject defines self  sequences of science, its right to exist. Along with the subject of science of science highlights the object of science. The object is a kind of integrity ...

Ways of improving the practice of law

Study of the nature, structure, and functions of law practice gives her the opportunity to highlight those types (species, subspecies), the parties and the elements that are necessary to improve the quality and improvement. Of particular importance at the present time, issues of improving the ...

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