Lectures on constitutional law

Фильтр по заголовку 

Количество строк:  
Заголовок материала Хиты
1 Controlled system of constitutional law in foreign countries 4685
2 Place of constitutional law in the law of foreign countries 4015
3 Features of the rules of constitutional law 6412
4 Institutions of constitutional law in foreign countries 3714
5 The subjects of constitutional and legal relations in foreign countries 3806
6 Sources of constitutional law in foreign countries 5878
7 Development of knowledge of constitutional law 3766
8 The main trends in modern science of constitutional law 4503
9 The concept of constitution 4909
10 The structure of the constitution 4592
11 The value of the constitution 4011
12 The nature and properties of the Constitution 3650
13 The content of the constitution 4398
14 The development trend of foreign constitutions 3800
15 Development of the Constitution 3851
16 The adoption of the constitution 4282
17 Amending the Constitution 3610
18 The classification of constitutions on social grounds 3063
19 The classification of constitutions legal grounds 4513
20 The concept and importance of constitutional 3977
21 Constitutional Control 4291
22 Forms of constitutional сontrol 3764
23 The rights and duties of man and citizen 4970
24 International law and the legal status of the individual 3925
25 The legal system and the rights of the individual 3546
26 Individuals and foundations of their legal status 3888
27 Citizens and nationals 3702
28 The methods of acquisition and loss of citizenship 5699
29 Classification of rights and freedoms 5265
30 Social and economic rights 3886
31 Political rights 4563
32 Individual rights and freedoms 3413
33 The collective rights of social, ethnic and other communities 3277

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Constitutional law

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