Lectures in microeconomics

Фильтр по заголовку 

Количество строк:  
Заголовок материала Хиты
1 Stages of development of economic theory 4237
2 The subject and the function of the economic theory 11319
3 Methods of Economic Theory 6038
4 The concept, features and types of economic laws 15563
5 The objective conditions for economic development 3386
6 Need, economic interest, kinds of needs 3895
7 Concept, types and value (cost) goods 3994
8 Concept and types of economic resources 3963
9 The subject and the means of labor 3401
10 The problem of choice in the economy 3905
11 The law of increasing opportunity costs 3513
12 Five fundamental questions in economics 18112
13 The economic content of the category "property" 3630
14 Legal aspects of property relations 3445
15 The ratio of the economic and legal aspects of property relations 3423
16 Diversity of ownership 3586
17 The transformation of property relations 4656
18 The concept and criteria for the classification of economic systems 9776
19 Subsistence farming and the production of commodities 3301
20 Types of commodity production 3875
21 Types of economic systems 4437
22 National models of economic systems 5144
23 The essence of the product and its properties 3783
24 Labor theory of value 3237
25 Law of the cost of goods 2993
26 The theory of marginal utility 3575
27 The neoclassical theory of value 3523
28 The history of the origin of money and their evolution 4682
29 The nature and functions of money 4708
30 Concept and types of money 3880
31 Modern forms of money 3747
32 Concept of money 4442
33 Money supply and its structure 3644
34 The concept of market 3984
35 The essence and existence conditions of the market 3678
36 Market entities 3678

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